About the Journal
Aim and Scope. New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy is an internationally peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 2565-5124) published by Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) on behalf of Nepal Policy Research network (NPRN). The Journal publishes articles which are based upon concrete data as well as analysis of secondary and historical sources. We encourage articles which record the results of completed investigations and raise questions emerging from on-going work.
New Angle is an open-access Journal available at websites of New Angle www.newangle.sias-southasia.org and SIAS www.sias-southasia.org. This journal is published yearly in English.
Topics. The journal welcomes papers in following themes (but not limited to): natural resources management; climate change, water, and urban resilience; livelihoods and economic development; and democratic processes and local governance. We announce call for papers for each issue with a specific theme and accept the papers within the theme of the call. For instance, the recent call for papers covered the theme ‘Urbanisation and Disaster Risks in the Himalaya.’ Previous theme was on ‘Water Scarcity and Sustainability in the Himalayas.’
Types of articles. We accept two broad types of articles i.e. research papers and opinion/commentary pieces. The research papers can include articles which are based on rich empirical data, preferably collected fresh from the field. However, rigorous analysis of secondary/historical sources will also be accepted. Shorter opinion pieces/commentary will also be accepted. All articles need to be guided by a well formulated purpose and clearly defined research questions.
Publication fee. Publishing in New Angle Journal is free of charge for authors. All content is freely available without charge and users are allowed to download the individual articles or the full issue of journal published online. The printed version of the journal can be collected by requesting to SIAS (refer to the contact details).
Peer review. All manuscripts submitted to New Angle Journal are examined by the editors and the articles are reviewed by applying the double-blind peer review method (the identities of the author(s) and reviewers are anonymized). The reviewers selected are the expertise in the relevant field. Authors can expect a fast review of their submission because decisions are usually communicated within a month after the manuscript is submitted. Acceptance is based on originality, scientific excellence, and topical balance of the journal. Once the editors have accepted the manuscript, the author can expect it to be published online (officially published) within a month.
We accept submissions in English. Any queries about potential submissions to New Angle Journal can be directed to the Editors or in the contact email.