Groundwater Policy and Ground Water Dependencies: Reflecting on the Evolving Socio-Environmental Dynamics in Peri-Urban Kathmandu Valley
Groundwater, institutions, peri-urbanisation, policy, Kathmandu Valley, NepalAbstract
Groundwater is an increasingly important source of water supply in Kathmandu Valley, ‘the hub of Nepal’s urbanisation’. Past studies have revealed that groundwater extraction in Kathmandu Valley exceeds its recharge, thus having negative consequences like drying of traditional water sources, decreasing yield of wells, and declining groundwater levels. The groundwater policy 2012 was formulated with the aim of managing groundwater use in the valley. Yet, with rapid urban growth, groundwater exploitation has continued increasing in the city and the peri-urban areas in Kathmandu Valley. But little is known regarding how urbanisation shapes increasing groundwater exploitation in the peri-urban settings. This study unfolds the underexplored socio-environmental dynamics underlying groundwater exploitation in peri-urban areas of Kathmandu Valley. The findings from the case study using qualitative research methods, conducted in peri-urban locations of Kathmandu Valley show increasing competition for water and growing use of as well as dependence on groundwater in these rapidly evolving peri-urban spaces, despite growing protests and worries about its consequences. However, the existing groundwater policy lacks attention to peri-urban dynamics of change and growth and does little to address the increasing groundwater use in peri-urban locations in the valley. The polarised views and local conflicts around groundwater exploitation emerging in peri-urban spaces are the outcome of multiple entanglements: sectoral divides and overlapping responsibilities in water institutions, weak governance and management; socio-economic transformations in peri-urban spaces, the invisibility of groundwater and ambiguity in the hydrological dynamics of conjunctive water use. Based on my findings, I stress on the need for addressing the existing macro-micro gaps (ground)water management by improving the understanding of local hydro-geological complexities and paying critical attention to the socio-economic, political and institutional drivers of increasing groundwater use.
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